4 Alasan Untuk Bekerja di Perusahaan Startup

4 Reasons to Work at Startup Company

06 Jun 2024
4 Alasan Untuk Bekerja di Perusahaan Startup

4 Reasons to Work at Startup Company 06 Jun 2024

Many “soon to be” graduated students will aim a very idealistic idea about where they should land their first job, which is more often than not, is to work at the biggest multinational company in the world (if possible). While it’s totally okay to dream as high as you want, sometimes we might want to step back a little and see the reality (sadly).

The bitter fact of big company is that it is extremely difficult for you (especially if you have zero experiences and close to zero resume) to land any sufficient “your ideal” position. Because bigger company means more complex company system (including bureaucracy and some politics here and there), which means there are some higher ups who are in charge for that. Logically… well… they won’t be ready anytime yet to hand over those crucial position to you…

In fact, in our opinion, if this is your very first job ever, the startup business might be your best bet!

Hold your questions, because here are the reasons WHY you should really consider it to apply to those startups near you!

1. Bigger Chance to Learn

While Startup Business might be “small” in your idea (well it is literally), it will be in fact your biggest chance to learn. Considering that it is still relatively small, there is a big chance that you will get one very crucial position, and will be the one that determine how you can contribute effectively through your job. Comparing to the bigger company, where you are mostly will be in just play very “tiny” part in overall process, of course this is your chance to learn!

And not too mention that in Startup, it’s always about innovating, so trial and error are totally tolerable. In bigger company, you must be always ready to be replaced as soon as you make some mistakes (no kidding).

2. Gaining Many Valuable Skills & Experiences

In Startup, where the workforce is relatively small, there is also big chance that you will somehow need to learn some new skills that outside of your usual expertise. While it means more work (somehow), it also means that you will gain those new skills & experiences along the way too! This is very important as you gain more new skills, your knowledge will become broader, make you become a very valuable assets for the company.

Comparing to the bigger company, where you must be ready to… well… stuck to the same routines and skills for quite a long time, until you get some good promotions.

This is especially true in many Startup Businesses that focus on the Creative fields, such as Game Studio or Web Design & Web Development Service. Because most of the work will be Project Based, and there are so many aspects need to be done at once, and thus, will give you even bigger chance to learn something new along the way.

3. Chance to Find Your Passion As Well

In our opinion, this is one of the exclusive benefit that you can only get by working at the Startups. Because along the way, you will gain so many new insights and new knowledges, and those will be directly helping you in finding what you are really after. Remember that what you have learnt in the college or your courses, might not be your true passion. Sometimes you have to do some other things that you never think about, and before you know it, you have discovered what your true passions are!

Startup is the best place to find it along the way, because you will have the chance to try many things at once, not to just contribute more for the company, but also for your own self discovery.

4. Relaxing and Accommodating Work Environment

And for you, millennials or someone that just dislike all the formal, politics, and bureaucracy, of course you can only avoid all of them in a Startup Business! This is due that most of the Startup founder nowadays are also millennials and young people that happen to dislike those things too.

That’s why you can breathe easier in your Startup office, wear something that is the most comfortable with you, without needing to worry about your workmate that will badmouth your sense of taste (unless you badmouth them first of course lol!).

This conducive and relaxing environment will surely boost your work productivity. And of course will improve your well being too, despite of the long hours or tons of workloads that you have to deal with every day.

So… for you who have just graduated, it’s time to consider to never belittle those Startup Businesses. Who knows, in fact, you can be one of the founder of your own Startup Business too in the future! :)

06 Jun 2024

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